Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Diet of Renal Cyst Patients

For renal cyst patients, except accepting medical treatment positively, they should also pay attention to their diets. Healthy diets could help to control the advance of cysts, the following diet princle for your reference:
1. Control salt intake
Patients should strictly control their intake of salt in 3-5g per day. Especially for patients who have swelling, too much salt can make it severer.
2. Limit diary products
Diary products will increase the burden of kidneys, causing dehydration. Most cheese and ice cream contain added salt, which will increase blood pressure. so the diary products should be limited and the cheese should not be more than 1 oz. one week.
3. Balance intake of protein
Patients who present proteinuria (protein in urine) should take some foods containing high quality proteins. The proteins can be found in eggs (without yolk), lean meat and so on.
4. Have some foods containing alkaline
Study shows that the diet of alkaline can lower the growth of kidney cysts. We can find alkaline from apples, watermelon, bananas, melons, kiwi, cabbage, spinach, greens, turnip greens, swiss chard, romaine and so on.
5. Others
Patients should avoid taking spicy food such as hot pepper, chocolate, coffee, shrimp, marine fish, crab, and so on. What is more, they can not drinking and smoking.
In our hospital, there are specialist nutrionists to provide you diet plan according to your own condition, and there′s also specialist dining room for patients, if you have any question, please feel free to contact with us. Wish you recover early.

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