Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fruits for the Patients with Kidney Disease

Eating a balanced diet is important for good healthy, especially for people with Kidney Disease. As fruits contain abundant vitamins, the patients are often recommended to eat more fruits in their daily diet. However, some fruits may contain substances that can aggravate kidney function. Therefore, the patients with Kidney Disease should know what fruits are beneficial to their health. Here a list of the fruits that benefit to the Kidney Disease patients. 1. Apples Apples are rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties. They are helpful in reducing cholesterol level and decrease the incidence of complications like heart disease. 2. Red grapes Red grapes contain several flavonoids. They can prevent oxidation and reduce the formation of blood clots thus decreasing the incidence of heart disease. Moreover, a kind of flavonoid resveratrol in grapes can promote the production of nitric oxide, which can relax the muscle in blood vessels. In this way, it can promote the blood circulation and relive the renal ischemia and anoxia. In addition, the flavonoids can prevent the renal inflammation. 3. Cherries Cherries are abundant of antioxidants that are beneficial in protecting heart. If the patients can eat the fruits daily, it can reduce the renal inflammation. 4. Strawberries Strawberries contain two types of antioxidants and lots of vitamin C and fibers. These integrants in strawberries have anti-inflammation properties and also are beneficial in protecting heart health. 5. Blueberries Blueberries contain compounds antioxidants anthocyanidins and are also abundant of nutrients, vitamin C and fibers. They can reduce the kidney inflammation. Also the manganese in blueberries can contribute bone health. If you are or your loved one is Kidney Disease suffer, you should ask your renal dietitian to make a kidney-friendly diet plan and remove the foods that are bad to your kidneys from your daily food list.

How to Reduce Creatinine and Urea Level

High creatinine and urea level is usually considered as a sign of renal damage which may arouse the nervous of patient to worry about their health, for renal problems may easily develop into renal failure or uremia in a short term. Thereby most patients are seeking an effective method to reduce their high creatinine and urea level. Dietary control Vegetarian and non-greasy diet is a good choice for patients with kidney disease. Creatinine is the waste product of creatine which is resolved for providing energy to contract muscle. And dietary sources of creatine are only fond in animal products, so patients need to avoid the animal foods and go on a light diet. When the body metabolizes protein, the liver makes urea as the end products that will be discharged by kidney through urine. However, decreased ability of impaired kidney is the root cause of high blood urea. Limited protein food can help to reduce the high level of urea, but patients need protein to sustain body’s health. Thereby they should have less food which contains high-quality protein to supply protein to their tissues as well as to avert from product too much urea. Traditional treatment Patients have some options in choosing medicines to reduce the high level of creatinine and urea. Some of medicines may have a good effect to sweep out creatinine and urea through the intestinal tract. Some of them can be combined with other factors in the blood to produce harmless substances to body. But none of them can repair renal cells and tissues in order to filter the creatinine and urea by the kidneys. The new therapy for reducing creatinine and urea We use the most natural medicine---traditional Chinese medicine which can diminish inflammation and provide essential substances to rebuild renal cells. Besides, Chinese medicine can dilate the blood vessels and speed up the blood circulation so as to give more blood and oxygen to the renal tissues, which is favor to the recovery of renal cells. Provided increasing renal functions, kidney will have more ability to filter the toxins easily. Many therapies or methods are supplied for you to choose and your kidney and body health depends on your choice. Would you want to reduce your creatinine and urea level? You can consult our experts online or leave a message below and they will introduce our therapy and give you a hope. If you need our help, contact us by using the form below to send a message to our doctor. You will receive a reply via-email. We are glad to help you!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Will Diabetic Nephropathy be cured

Diabetic nephropathy is the complication of diabetes mellitus, and the death rate is relatively high, so it is very is of great importance to treat the diabetic nephropathy effectively in the early stage, which will be helpful to improve the life quality of the patients with diabetic nephropathy and delay the progress of this disease.
Generally, it is very difficult to cure this disease completely, which need to insist on conservative treatment and insist on the treatment of controlling blood sugar and protecting renal function. Presently, the main treatment of diabetic nephropathy include diet control, following the doctor’ advice to take hypoglycemic agents or to inject insulin and preventing the complication actively. Besides, they should also develop a good living habit and do some exercise. The over-weight patients should keep on a diet and keep the weight back to a normal range. Red Sun nephropathy found the ion-introduction therapy, which is a great-leap-forward development in the clinical treatment of nephropathy and uremia. The biggest advantage of this the therapy is that it could protect the intact nephrons from getting damaged pathologically and save those nephrons that has been damaged but are not totally completely sclerotic and necrotic as well. Thus improve the glomerular filtration rate, restore the kidney function and delay the development of renal failure. If you still have any question, you can communicate with the expert in kidney disease.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Symptoms of Purpura Nephritis

Symptoms of Purpura Nephritis
Purpura nephritis is very common in children, but many people in any ages can be affected. For purpura nephritis is liable to impair kidneys, patients should prevent or block its coming after they have had HSP. So some knowledge about symptoms of purpura nephritis is essential for patients who have had HSP or been at the risk.
The primary symptoms of HSP are purpura, arthritis and abdominal pain, which are bound to appear as a trilogy.
The purple rashes are caused by the bleeding of the capillary in skin, which are presented as small purple spots primarily developing into big or large sheets. Some of the purple rashes are swelling and higher than skin surface. They are spread all over in the body, especially in the face, neck, buttocks and legs.
The arthritis can affect many joint, such as elbow, knees, spine and ankle. When abnormal immune system flares in the joint, the cartilages between the bones are broken down, resulting in joint pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness.
Abdominal pain is characterized by a colicky pain, and sometimes may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and bloody stools. The vasculitis caused by SHP may lead to the swelling of gut, resulting in serious and intermittent pain sometimes due to the intussusceptions (especially in children).
The vasculitis caused by HSP is vital to the damage of renal function. Hematuria and proteinuria are the main signs to predict that inflammation appear in the kidney tissue and destruction takes place. Almost 40% of patients with SHP involve in the kidney disease.
Most patients have evidence of blood in urine (hematuria); while only one forth of patients has this symptom which is not noticeable without special tests. More than half of patients also have proteinuria. If patients miss the best time to treat, the condition may develop more serious. One eight of patient may progress to nephrotic syndrome which is marked by protein in urine, swelling, high cholesterol levels and low blood protein.
All above are the most symptoms of purpura nephritis which is a process that disordered immune system causes a series of vasculitis disease and develops more serious to affect the renal function. Patients should grasp the best time to have an effective treatment in the early stage. Otherwise, the worst stage, uremia may be coming soundlessly. If you have some symptoms, please consult us online.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Does Chronic Renal Failure need dialysis

Chronic kidney failure is a kind of clinical syndrome which is caused by kidney damage and progressive deterioration that is resulted by various disease causes. When do kidney disease patients begin to do dialysis? Generally speaking, when renal failure develops into uremia, the patients have severe complications and some clinical symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, skin itching and heart failure, besides, too much toxins accumulated in the body, the patients should do dialysis actively.
Dialysis has its certain positive treatment significance and it can slow down the patients’ disease condition. When the renal function is damaged more seriously, the toxins in the body can not be excreted from the body, which will damage each organs of the whole body and even threaten the patients’ life. For chronic renal failure patients, when their renal insufficiency, they need to do dialysis.
However, when patients take dialysis more frequently, it will lead to losing renal function and some complications, such as anemia, hypertension and dialysis bone disease, etc.
Therefore, here we recommend you Funeng Therapy, which is such a therapy used externally and nearly has no side effects. And in this therapy, we combine traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine; besides, Funeng therapy is not only a simple therapy, but also related to other sides of patients’ living, including medicine, nursing, psychology, emotion, nutrition, diet, exercise, rehabilitation and etc.
If you want to know more about our therapy, you can send an email to the experts in Xi'an Tongji Kidney Disease Hospital or you also can consult our online kidney experts.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why Are You Suffering From Uremia

Why do people suffer from Uremia? The most direct reason for the patients is that they may have kidney diseases before. As everyone knows, if various kidney diseases such as Chronic Nephritis, Lupus Nephritis, Purpura Nephritis and so on, which are not well treated or lose control, they will finally develop into Uremia. The renal tissues may totally become fibrosis, which lead loss of renal function, and people have to take dialysis or kidney transplant.
What Are The Symptoms of Uremia?
Uremia is the generic terms of a series of toxic symptoms appeared in the End Stage Renal Failure. During the period of Uremia, besides the further aggravation of the following symptoms, such as disorder of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance as well as anemia, bleeding tendency, hypertension and so on, patients may occur the clinical manifestations of toxication caused by multiple system organ failure and material metabolism failure.
If you want to know more advantages of our hospital in treating Uremia, you can leave a message to our expert, we will reply you as soon as possible.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Renal Fibrosis in Chronic Nephritis

Renal fibrosis is a kind of pathological changing process, in which the kidneys are damaged gradually until the kidneys fail completely. Renal fibrosis is an important cause in causing Chronic Nephritis progression.
In Chronic Nephritis, various causes cause renal injury and releasing of inflammatory factors resulting in inflammatory response and enhanced cellar activity. As the renal functional cells get more damage, the cells begin to have phenotypic transformation and ossify and lose function gradually. This is the early stage of renal fibrosis, in which more than half of the renal function still keeps normal so the patients do not present obvious symptoms yet. If the renal fibrosis process is not inhibited effectively, the renal function will keep declining further. When the renal fibrosis approaches to the middle stage, the levels of creatinine, BUN etc will rise obviously. With the progression of renal fibrosis, more and more nephrons lose their normal function. When the residual nephrons are less than 15%, the disease develops into End Stage Renal Failure, namely Uremia. In this stage, nearly all nephrons are ossified. In clinic, the patients will have a series of serious complications like brain disease, heart disease, systemic poisoning symptoms etc.
From the above we can see that if the Chronic Nephritis can not be controlled effectively in its early stage, it will activate the renal fibrosis. Further more, if the renal fibrosis can not be blocked, it will cause the renal function to decline gradually. The key to prevent Renal Failure is to block renal fibrosis.
As the inflammatory response is the primary cause of renal fibrosis, the patients should firstly take relevant treatment to prevent the releasing of the inflammatory factors. In this way, they will be able to prevent Chronic Nephritis from developing into Renal Failure.
If you or your loved one is Chronic Nephritis suffer and want to know other aspects on Chronic Nephritis, you can consult us on line or leave a message blow.

Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Lower Your Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine, and creatine is a substance in your body to store energy. A rise in your creatinine levels may be a sign of an underlying problem. And furthermore, high creatinine level could induce metabolic disorder and lesions concerning many systems in the body. So here you can see how to lower creatinine levels.
The higher creatinine level could be induced by a lot of reasons. Find out the underlying reasons for high creatinine level can be helpful for us to lower the creatinine effectively.
People with Renal Insufficiency or Kidney Failure even or Diabetes can have high creatinine levels gradually without warning. As the kidneys are damaged, creatinine and other toxins and wastes are unable to be completely eliminated out of the body, so the accumulation of creatinine in the body certainly leads to the higher creatinine level.
Directing at this cause, the main focus should be placed on treating kidneys or diabetes or any other underlying diseases, while emergent measures should also be adopted so as to remove these creatinines as soon as possible, because the more time retention of creatinine, the more damage they cause to the body.
Natural Immune Balance Therapy is proposed in our hospital for the purpose of treating Kidney Disease effectively, obviously, only the kidneys are well repaired, we could really lower the creatinine levels.
Some complicated diseases such as infection, pneumonia, intestinal infection and urinary infection even catching cold may also make creatinine level elevated in a short time.
Another reason for high creatinine leve is due to the diet or some medications, or due to the life reasons. A diet that is high in protein can raise the creatinine levels in the blood. Also, try to reduce the intake of meat and add more vegetables to your diet are useful in lowering your creatinine levels. Some medications such as aspirin can also elevate your creatinine levels. Life inattentions, for example, over fatigue, bad rest, may also lead to the high creatinine level.
If patients suffer from high blood pressure, and the blood pressure is not well controlled for a long time, and if there is abundant proteinuria(overall amount of protein within 24 hours are surpassing 1g or even 1.5g), in such cases, creatinine may increase gradually. Maybe you have gotten a general knowledge about how to lower creatinine level, in one word, treating the underlying reason is the basic point.
If you want to know more about our therapy or the service in our hospital, you can directly talk to online expert or you can leave a message, we will send you the information as soon as possible.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Can the Patients with Chronic Nephritis Be Treated Effectively

Chronic Nephritis usually starts without obvious symptoms and has a long course. It has different pathological types which induces various clinical manifestations. Edema is mostly the first symptom to be seen, which shows various levels of severity. However, the same or severer pathologic changes can usually be found again, after Chronic Nephritis recovers. Can Chronic Nephritis be treated effectively? This article will give detailed information as follows.
Clinically, western medicine regards hormone, cytotoxic drugs and hypotensor as common drugs for Chronic Nephritis and those drugs ally together can control symptoms rapidly. However, under the influence of hormone, the disease becomes easy to relapse and even slight cold or fatigue can be a trigger. At that time, more hormones need adding into treatment. With vicious circle repeating, the disease becomes out of control gradually and the side effects of those drugs begin to appear: some patients can be found moon shaped face, buffalo bump and allergy to infection. Some others even can be found Osteoporosis and Femoral Head Necrosis. From above, we can see hormone is not the best choice of treating Chronic Nephritis.
The key treatment on Chronic Nephritis is to block renal fibrosis and repair damaged renal function, thus achieving a better curative effect. Then how to achieve the goal? The answer is: Treat timely. Otherwise, Chronic Nephritis may induce Renal Injury, then Renal Fibrosis, Renal Failure and even Uremia.
In order to solve this problem, after years of research and experiment, our hospital adopts Natural Immune Balance Therapy to treat all kinds of Chronic Nephropathy, including Chronic Glomerulonephritis. Natural Immune Balance Therapy is an advanced treatment in treating end stage of kidney disease in the world. China is the leading country in using Funeng Therapy in clinic. Besides, Natural Immune Balance Therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine, without any side-effect for the human body.
Through the treatment of Natural Immune Balance Therapy, all symptoms of Nephropathy disappear slowly. Even Chronic Glomerulonephritis patients who appear to have slight or moderate Renal Injury can be found the maximized recovery of renal function, blocking Uremia and thus restoring normal life and work for patients.
If you need our help, contact us directly. We are very glad to help you!

Advice for patients with relapses of Nephrotic Syndrome

1. Prevent cold and infection actively
Cold and infection are the leading to factors for relapse of kidney disease, including Nephrotic Syndrome. Also, it is reported patients who gets cold and infection frequently run high risk for acute kidney failure. Seeing from this point of view, preventing cold and infection is very beneficial for Nephrotic Syndrome patients.
2. Do not be too tired or exhausted
A relaxed life also plays an important part in preventing relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome and some patients report their illness relapses easily when they live a stressful life, so try to live an easy life and avoid staying up at night.
3. Avoid foods that may worsen your kidney condition
Strict diet restriction is an essential part of prevention for relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome. The exact diet instruction is closely based on patients’ specific illness condition, so if you want to learn about the exact diet for you, you can describe your illness condition to our on-line doctors and then get practical suggestions.
4. Get Nephrotic Syndrome treated fundamentally
In many cases of Nephrotic Syndrome, patients are just prescribed with some medicines to control their symptoms, and they do nothing with repairing of damaged kidney tissues. Actually, Nephrotic Syndrome patients experience a series of discomforts as kidneys are damaged and can not function properly. Under such a condition, only when kidney damages are repaired and kidney function gets improved, can symptoms be remitted or removed radically. Dead kidney tissues can not be revived, but some injured kidney intrinsic cells can be repaired, so do not give up these kidney cells and by repairing them, kidney function can be improved.
The above are the several advices for patients with relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome. And if there is anything unclear, please leave us message in the below and our experts will give a replay within 48 hours.

Five Special Tests for Immunization

Five items for immunization include IgA, IgG, IgM, complement C3 and C4. Changes of those indexes, under some circumstances, signal certain diseases and help diagnose.

1. IgG is also known as immunoglobulin G. Glomerular damage severity can be found by detecting changes of IgG in serum. General speaking, the content of IgG in umbilical cord blood is around 7.6-17g/L and 6-16g/L in adults.
When would IgG elevate? People with chronic liver disease, subacute or chronic infections, connective tissue diseases, IgG myeloma or asymptomatic monoclonal IgG disease etc. may suffer from increased IgG level. Immunoglobulin G reduces in the case of Nephrotic Syndrome, receiving immunosuppressant, selective IgG deficiency, mixed immunodeficiency syndrome, inherited or acquired antibody syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy or myotonic dystrophy etc.
Immunoglobulin A is a major immunoglobulin in secretion, which plays an important part in local immunity.
2. Increased IgA signals acute nephritis and other diseases mediated by immune inflammatory response. They can be autoimmune disease, such as SLE or rheumatoid arthritis, and also may include IgA Nephropathy, chronic liver disease, IgA myeloma, breast cancer and subacute or chronic infectious disease, for example, tuberculosis and fungus infection etc. Immunoglobulin A may lower under circumstance of burn, latter half of gestation, immunodeficiency disease, selective IgA deficiency, inherited or acquired antibody syndrome, anti-IgA antibody syndrome or immunosuppressant therapy.
3. Content of IgM in umbilical cord blood is 40-240mg/L, newborn in blood is 50-300mg/L while adults is 400-3450mg/L.
Increased IgM indexes are often in accordance with malaria, infectious mononucleosis, mycoplasma pneumonia, hepatopathy, connective tissue disease, macroglobulinemia or asymptomatic monoclonal IgM disease etc. Meanwhile, burn, acquired antibody syndrome, mixed immunodeficiency syndrome or immunodepression etc. would decrease the level of IgM.
4. Detection of complements such as C3 and C4 could instruct later treatments and also become a pretty vital index for future diagnosis and prognosis. Reduced C3 and C4 occur in active immune complex nephropathy, such as Lupus Nephritis, while elevated complement concentration can be seen in people with acute gout, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, acute myocardial infarction, obstructive jaundice, dermatomyositis and so on.
Thses are the five special tests for immunization. If you have some other questions about test or the treatment of immunization disease, please contect with our online exports. I hope you all well.

How to Treat Proteinuria Occurring in Patients with IgA Nephropathy

What measures should be taken when a large amount of protein urine occurs in patients with IgA Nephropathy. It is a main clinical manifestation in patients. So how to treat it becomes very important.
Hormone is medicine most frequently used by patients to treat protein urine. It is exactly right that hormone has great effects on treatment for protein urine and is able to decrease protein in a short time even becoming negative. However, it often occurs in patients that protein urine is likely to appear again when they have a cold. They also experience the hormonal side effects strongly. Every time protein urine appears, the condition will be more severe. Created by Funeng Kidney Disease Hospital, Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis will send the active ingredient of Chinese medicine to the damaged part of kidney making the most of medicine. It has great curative effect of Nephrotic Syndrome, IgA Nephropathy, Purpuric Nephritis, Lupus Nephritis and Nephritis. Thousands of people is treated with Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis Funeng therapy, getting well public praise.
1. In addition, diet as the subsidiary treatment is needed for patients with protein urine.
Patients should make sure the enough intake of high -quality protein within diet. Patients had better not to eat too salt food in case of increasing the burden of kidney which can drop the ability to filter protein.
2. Prevent the cold to reduce the chances of inducing protein urine.
3. Avoid overstrain and keep proper physical activity.
4. Follow the advice of doctors to pay attention to details in life.
5. Mental self care
In daily life, people should notice the words and behaviors. Trepidation and scream will make patients upset and terrified. So it is very important to be of good heart for patients, which is benefit for their recovery.
If you have any question about IgA kidney disease, you can consult experts online for more information, they will be glad to help you.