Friday, May 24, 2013

The Introduction of Lupus nephritis

     Lupus nephritis (LN) is a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and an immune complexes nephritis caused by kidney. It is a major complication of SLE and the leading causes of death.
     SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) is a clinical manifestation of Multi-system damage symptoms of chronic systemic autoimmune disease which is mainly composed of antinuclear antibodies. Its’ serum has a number of different antibodies. And the remission of the disease progression are acute and episodes alternate characterized,. The patients with internal organs (kidney, central nervous system) damaged are difficult to prognosis. The prevalence of the disease in our country is 1/1000, 1/2000 of the higher than western countries according to the report. The most common patients are women, especially women of child-bearing at the age of 20-40 years old
Systemic manifestations
     Systemic manifestations of lupus nephritis are fever, arthritis and skin mucous membrane damage is the most common. The involvement organs of the system are liver, heart, central nervous system and hematopoietic organs, more than a third of patients with multiple serositis (pleural and pericardial), etc. Pulmonary hemorrhage may also be one of the main symptom of the disease which should identify
with Goodpasture's disease and small vasculitis. Renault often occurred to 40% patients.
Kidney manifestation
     1. subclinical type or "silence" type: no renal involvement manifestation, urine negative, but the pathological examination often have varying degrees of pathological changes.
     2. light type: account for 30% ~ 50%, no clinical symptoms, only mild and moderate proteinuria (< lg/d), microscopic haematuria and RBC tube type, but with normal renal function.
     3. Nephrotic syndrome type: this is accounts for about 40% ~ 60%, and appear the massive proteinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia and occasionally appear raised blood cholesterol. At the late stage of the disease, there can appear high blood pressure, kidney damage, the majority of patients may develop into renal failure.
     4.Chronic glomerulonephritis type: accounts for about 35% ~ 50% with high blood pressure, different levels of proteinuria. There are a large number of red blood cells in urine sediment and tube type, many associated with kidney damage.
     5. Acute nephritis model: show the clinical manifestation of acute nephritis.
6. Radical nephritis type; Appear less urine to acute renal failure in a short period of time, or for the light or the transformed nephrotic syndrome. Pathology of crescent nephritis

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